Guide To Cleaning and Charging Your Crystals

It’s a simple proposition, the better care we take of our crystals, the better they take care of us. To ensure your crystals function at their highest potential, you should cleanse and charge them regularly. This act of care can also reinvigorate your own sense of purpose.

Here are some of the most common ways to cleanse crystals, how to align a crystal with your intention, and more.

1. Running water
Water is said to neutralize any negative energy stored inside the stone and return it back to the earth, Although natural running water — like a stream — is best, you can also rinse your stone under a faucet.

Don’t use this for: stones that are brittle or soft, such as selenite, kyanite, and halite

2. SaltWater
Salt has been used throughout history to absorb unwanted energy and banish negativity. If you’re near the ocean, you can place your crystals in a mesh bag or jar and bathe them in the ocean water for a few minutes. Otherwise, collect the seawater in a clean bottle and immerse the stones in the water at home.

3. Sun
When you charge your crystals in direct sunlight, they will be supercharged and will be more focused. The balancing energy from the sun can help to clear out anything stored in your crystals.

4. Moon
You can use the moon's energies to program crystals to give them more vitality with their purifying qualities. Place crystals directly under the moonlight and charge them up under the full and new moons to get the most potent frequencies.

5. Brown rice
Fill a bowl with dry brown rice and bury your crystals beneath the grains. Dispose of the rice immediately after the cleansing, as the rice has absorbed the energy you’re trying to eradicate.

6. Sage
Sage is a sacred plant with a multitude of healing properties. Smudging your stone is able to clear inharmonious vibrations and restore its natural energy. When you cleanse your crystals, carefully light the end of the sage bundle and let it burn for a few moments, then blow out the flames.

7. Sound
You can use sound and the vibrations from chimes, bells, a tuning fork, and singing bowls to create a bath to cleanse crystals. It doesn’t matter what key the sound is, so long as the sound emitted is loud enough for the vibration to fully encompass the stone.

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